Can’t Complain

I decided today I can’t hate/complain/be annoyed/unimpressed/disappointed with myself for being overweight if I’m not putting the required effort in to change it. Because complaining I’m fat and wishing for a change doesn’t create one.

Liz is another blogger I’ve been following over at for inspiration. She’s come a long way, has done some amazing things, but being healthy is something she still has to work on all the time. 

Her post reminds me wishing for change doesn’t make it happen. I have not right to hate my current situation if I’m not making a concerted effort to change it. Kind of like if you don’t vote in the Presidential Election, you can’t complain about who wins. 

This also makes me thing ahead to the future. WHEN I DO REACH MY GOAL, I’ll still have to put in alot of effort to maintain. I won’t just magically be able to eat whatever the hell I want and hang on the couch and expect my new awesome body to hang around. 

Becoming healthy means getting healthy and staying healthy.

Brave new world!

So sorry for the extended absence but new things have been brewing. I spent a good chunk of January pulling double duty and laying the groundwork for an exciting new venture.

Starting today (officially) I am the new Associate Director of Nomad Group (currently Nomad Geomatics). I have gone into business with my friend Nick and joined is small, but blossoming, environmental consulting company. We have agreed that my title means that I do everything that he doesn’t, or everything when he isn’t around, since it’s just the two of us and some interns.

So what does this mean for my health? Great things! My schedule is flexible. I can make time to go to gym. There is a branch of my gym near home and near the office. I can make my meals at home, because I have the option of working from home sometimes. I don’t have to sit in traffic. I have time to be creative.

Better job + better diet +exercise – stress = Better me!

On the creative side, I think I’m going to be moving my nail art to a Tumblr. I’ll edit this post with a link when that happens.

A Social Diet

This 17 Day Diet thing has become a social experiment, which I think is making it so much better.

It’s started when Ann suggested it to Mer, who gave me the book, then I got my husband on board, made some notes, and shared them with Katie.

Sometimes Mer stops at Ann’s on her way to class so they can share food. Even better is Mer, Katie and I (ok, my husband) take turns cooking one night a week. We are in the middle of our first week and it’s going well.

We are also taking to passing around an email to stay accountable about what it is that we are eating, what we are craving, giving out little reminders, and pointing out the asshole that went and brought cookies to the office after the holidays. Who does that?

So, in case you are keeping tabs, we are in Cycle 1. We are still having some cravings, but it’s getting better. For the most part we all have more energy and are getting acquainted with consuming regular amounts of green tea and water. The dietary restrictions really aren’t that bad. Not being able to have carbs right now makes it exactly the thing that we do want.

It’s also making us realize certain things about ourselves. like maybe we aren’t eating as healthy as we thought. Or that maybe my perpetual tiredness was due to dehydration. Not giving into an immediate craving can make you appreciate that thing more later.

Over all though, I’m really enjoying the sociableness of it. Like our own little dinner club. Maybe in the future when we are all svelte and enviable we can parlay this into a book club.